Spheres and Doughnuts PPT Chart

Spheres and Doughnuts PPT Chart with editable spheres / Doughnuts are a special kind of circle diagrams. This charts are appropriate to current a relevant item and others linked to it or to create a comparability of two teams of items.

Spheres and Doughnuts PPT Chart is can be customized in color and size, text, position of graphics and change the background style.

Widescreen(16:9) : include 2 backgrounds and 2 slides.
Standard(4:3) : include 2 backgrounds and 2 slides.

Search Keyword: cycle, diagram, diagrams, guarantee, placement, process, recruitment, successful, spheres, doughnuts

Spheres and Doughnuts PPT Chart

Screenshot : Widescreen(16:9)

Spheres and Doughnuts PPT Chart 1 Spheres and Doughnuts PPT Chart 2

Spheres and Doughnuts PPT Chart

Screenshot: Standard(4:3)

Spheres and Doughnuts PPT Chart 3

 How to Modify

Spheres and Doughnuts PPT Chart 4





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